About me

This is a diary of awesome people, places and experiences I come across in my journey of life. The blog will introduce you to the people who have started great initiatives for greater good, people who can inspire and celebrate life everyday. 
Most people you will meet here are either connected to fashion or charities and sometimes both.You may see a rare blog post about an awesome place or event that may be worth sharing...

By Bhakti Talreja:
An Indian based in Melbourne, Australia, a slave to "Karma" who is passionate about making a difference through collaboration, conscious consumption and slow living. Fascinated about social media and behaviour change.
Director @SoEthic, a not for profit Ethical Fashion hub (www.soethic.net) with an aim to sustain sustainable and ethical practices in Fashion.

Foursquare @fashion_noble
Blog on Tumblr
Website: www.bhaktitalreja.com
Email: Hello@bhaktitalreja.com


Twitter: @SoEthic
Facebook: So Ethic
Skype @SoEthic
Website: www.soethic.net
Email: mail@soethic.net

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